Why do you believe in God?

19 10 2006

I have to admit, when we placed our first post on this blog I never expected to have a visit from “The Antichrist”… at least that is what his MySpace page describes his occupation as.

In a personal back and forth email exchange, I found this man to be more than just an anarchist or rebel… I found him as a brother without the experiences of a relationship with Jesus that I have been so fortunate to receive. Does this mean he is wrong and that I am right or that I need to convince him to follow Jesus in a lengthy email… no, at least I don’t believe so. I believe that we are called to love our neighbor and not judge. We are called to let our lives be our greatest witness by how we treat other believers and seekers of truth. It’s not a debate as often debates just create more tension and animosity. We’re to let our relationship with the Lord shine through our actions and how we live. It’s between a seeker and God as to what they come to choose… we’re just to share the good news.

I’m thankful to everyone who took the time not only to share what it means to Live Like JESUS, as a believer, but to also engage in a discussion that we really could not have predicted if we tried. What it means to engage in a conversation with someone who not only doesn’t believe in God but who is down right disgusted with the Christian faith.

So this draws our next question… why do you believe in God?

Were you raised in the church? Have you had a personal experience you’d like to share that changed your life? How is your life different now than when you did not know Christ? What sustains your faith each day?

Click the “Comments” link below to share your thoughts. Remember, be real. We’re all human… at least I hope. :)  It’s okay to have faults. It’s okay for us to have differences in opinion. We’re just a big family of people coming together to talk about things that matter and how we can all help each other live the life we were called to live.

What does it mean to YOU to Live Like JESUS?

4 10 2006

In Matthew 28:18-20, Jesus told his disciples to go and make more disciples… teaching them everything He had commanded.

To be a disciple means to be a pupil or a student but probably not in the way you or I might initially think. Students of Jesus were not sitting in a classroom with pen and paper or jumping on the internet to look up the square root of some crazy number. Students of Jesus where taught by following Jesus’ every move… a disciple in ancient times learned by mirroring their life after the life of their teacher. When Jesus called these men to go… He called them to teach others what they had learned. He called them to be real life examples of Jesus’ teachings to others. He called them to bring Heaven to Earth by teaching others to live the example He gave us to live. So, what does it mean to be a follower of Christ… not 2000+ years ago but today! Is it doing your part and going to church for an hour on Sunday? Is it dropping your 10% in the tithing bucket? Is it trying to be a “good person” by just refraining from being bad? Is there something more?

How can we live out our faith and become real and relevant examples of Christ in our schools, our communities, our workplaces and homes? Share some real world examples of what it means to you, in your pursuit to live like Jesus.  

Click the “comments” link to share your thoughts or email your thoughts to info@livelikejesus.com 

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